Henry and Glenys
Dreamcatcher in Raiatea
This is the voyage of Henry Mellegers and Glenys Taylor on sailing yacht

In past lives, we  have both dreamed and planned the journey for many years.  Our
serendipitous meeting in April 2001, has allowed the dream to grow into reality.

The  time has come to "throw off the bowlines" and discover the wondrous South Pacific
Islands en route to Australia.

Our journey began with joyful weekends of sailing in San Francisco Bay, followed by the
many months of blood, sweat and tears it takes to ready a day-sailer for a world cruise….
that load was lightened by the dozens of friends and family who turned up every weekend
to work along-side us.  To our dock-buddies who reminded us that cocktail hour was still
an important part of cruise preparation….we thank you.

Our motivation came from our circumnavigator friends, for whom we have the greatest
respect and admiration.  Our enthusiasm was fired by the many cruisers before us who
left valuable information and exciting photos on their websites and journals, enabling us
to focus on what was important and to leave the dock with the sole unvarnished!

After 20,000 miles, the good ship DREAMCATCHER has crossed the equator twice and is
now at her home in Singapore.

We have logged our passage with detailed journals and photos so that you
can share our lives afloat, our passions and experiences.

Never be afraid to dream, because the simplest dream can take you where your heart
yearns to go……………………………

Henry & Glenys
Location and Sail Plan
Number of Visitors
Copyright © 2011 DREAMCATCHERVOYAGE. All rights reserved.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed
by the  things that you didn't do than by the ones you
did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the
safe harbor. Catch the trade  winds in your sails.


Mark Twain